Energy consultants

The Quooker COMBI tanks lets you save energy in the kitchen as well as water. An Energy Performance Declaration has been drawn up for this, so that you - as an Energy Advisor - can take it into account when determining the energy label of a home.

Quooker and a house’s energy label

The domestic hot water facilities play a major role in determining a home's energy label. After all, a large proportion of the energy demand goes into preparing hot water. A Quooker system can also play a role in the hot tap water requirement in the kitchen. The COMBI tank features a boiler function and is only connected to the cold water supply. The COMBI tank is significantly more economical than a traditional kitchen boiler and also has more capacity. The standby power consumption of a Quooker is only 10 watts. As boiling water from the 7-litre tank is mixed with cold water from the pipe, as much as 27 litres of water at 40 degrees Celsius is instantly available.

Energy performance statement

Quooker has had an Energy Performance Statement prepared so that it can be included in the current NTA8800 calculations for the BENG standard.

Serial numbers per tank type

To determine whether a kitchen is using a Quooker COMBI-E or COMBI-B, we have listed the serial numbers. This will help determine whether they meet the requirements. Green serial numbers refer to a Quooker COMBI-B (only used in projects) or COMBI-E. One variant of the COMBI-E is the COMBI+ E; this tank has the same energy values but is fitted when both cold and hot water supply pipes are present.